Friday, May 1, 2009

Hungry Valley SRVA - May 1-3

Today we are leaving to Hungry Valley. It is right off the 5 freeway just before you hit the Grapevine. We are going on an off roading adventure. It will be the Jeep's maiden voyage! I will update with pictures next week.

Joshua Tree April 2009


Gotta Keep Warm!

This lizard has a white tail! That thing can break a stick.

Sandie & Edward hamming it up!

can you find robert ?????? Look closely!!!

Pretty flowers on a cactus in the middle of a desert.

Our wonderful campsite in Joshua Tree Indian Cove Campsite #36

The Group! We are on our way to Joshua Tree. FINALLY!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sunday, Edward, Louie, Celeste and I went on a hiking adventure. We went up to the San Gabriel Mountains and hiked to Sturtevant Falls. This was about a 1-1/2 mile (one-way) hike. Then while we were at the waterfall, Louie had a great idea and decided to climb a hill of rocks to shortcut to the trail above us. Edward and I watched as Louie and Celeste conquered the wall of rocks. Then we ran back down the trail and followed the proper trail to the top of the waterfall to meet up with Louie and Celeste. It added about another mile to our trip but it was fun. They got to rock climb a bit and we got to run. Then we met up on top of a boulder and had snacks before heading out. We tried to follow the trail up to the campsite, after spotting a hiker with a day pack, but in the end it was a long trip and we had not eaten yet, so we turned back and headed out. That is by far the worst part of the hike, the way out. There is a 0.6 mile long paved road you have to hike back up and trust me it was rough. I was huffing and puffing the whole way. We made it out alive after a hike around 5-8 miles long. The only thing left to do was go to Applebees and have lunch. It was a great day among friends and an added memory.

Monday, March 30, 2009


We only have 18 more days till we head out for a weekend in Joshua Tree. There is lot to do. Things to buy and Jeeps to fix. It is going to be an amazing trip. We are planning on arriving on Friday morning - before sunrise- to find a big campsite in White Tank. Then might do a day of hiking and hit some offroading trails. I look forward to the adventures that await us. (By the way I found this picture online - it's not mine.)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Celeste and Sandie - At one of the Kallusive Clothing Release Party events. (Edward is one of two designers for Kallusive) The girls of the group, the ones who put ideas into actions and get the group going.
Latinas make you crazy!

New Years Day 2009

Robert, Louie and Edward - Jan. 1, 2009 - USC vs UCLA football tailgate. Los Hermanos. These guys have been best friends since they were kids. Where one goes, they all go. Brothers. Hermanos.


My friends and I have made it a life goal to travel as much as possible. We are all adventurous and up for anything. To describe us might be something like this; I (Sandie) am considered the over-prepared mother of the group, Edward is the up for anything and look it up on the internet graphic designer extrodinare, Celeste is the up for anything spure of the moment workout queen, Louie can be considered the outspoken joker in the group who is up for any challenge, and Robert is the youngster who has no fear and goes into to everything with no reservations or concern for his own safety. So as you can see we are a very diverse group, but we all love to hang out and try something new. With many years of freindship behind us we set out for adventure. So on with our adventures and lets see where the road takes us. From left to right: Louie, Celeste, Robert, Sandie (me) and Edward.